How I Discovered I Was An Artist

Eric Unser studying art at Virginia Tech

Born and Raised

I grew up with three brothers and three sisters on a dairy farm in the middle of Southampton County, Virginia. Living and working on a farm was hard and idyllic at the same time.

Every day after my chores were done, I was exploring the surrounding woods, building forts, raising calves and pigs.

An Artist’s Education

When I turned 18, I enrolled at Virginia Tech, originally to study architecture. But during my freshman year, I grew frustrated at not being able to grasp the abstract concepts they were presenting.

One day I bought a 16x 20 canvas, some oil paint, and a brush.

I painted a southwest scene from my imagination. I’ll never forget how thrilling it was. I did not know what I was doing, but I knew that this is what I was born to do.

I quickly changed my major to art and later earned my BFA.

Southwestern landscape painted from my imagination

In college I took a photography class, where I discovered the beauty of black and white photography.

When I took this photo, at the time I couldn’t put into words why I was taking the picture. Now, after years of art experience, I can make an attempt.

The man who built this couldn’t afford to buy lumber. He had to use old cast off boards, anything he could find. It’s as if each board has a story to tell.

Beautiful black and white photograph of a run down old shack

Honey Joe’s hog pen

This may look like a run down shack to anyone else, but it’s inspiration to an artist.

Every line is slanted - leaning.

Every board has a jagged edge.

Even the cans and the weeds growing out of them are leaning.

I couldn’t understand why everyone else couldn’t appreciate the beauty of this creation.

The Artist’s Journey

From these humble origins, I have travelled on my artist’s journey to explore landscapes and seascapes, marble and other textured faux finishes, plein air, watercolor, still life, murals, portraits, and other expressions.

More recently, I have designed my own method to create abstract paintings.

Read more about my journey as an artist.


What About You?

When did you discover you were an artist? Share your story in the comments below!


My Journey As An Artist